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I'll never forget going to my first auction. One weekend after graduation, my grandfather asked if I wanted to go to an auction with him. I decided it might be kind of fun—I had never been to one. Once there, I spotted some action figures I had as a kid and told my grandpa, "If these go cheap I'm going to buy them!" I ended up getting the whole box for less then $10! I took out the ones I had wanted and decided to look on eBay to see if the others had any value—sure enough they were worth well over what I paid! This is how I "caught the bug".
From there, I started going to three to four auctions per week and decided to turn it into a business. My family and I went to flea markets for several years, reselling the items I purchased at auctions. In 2007, a local realtor reached out about one of her clients that had an acreage full of stuff. She asked if I would be interested in buying and removing the contents, so the family could sell their property. This is when Antiques on Main was born. My passion for the hunt and helping people really evolved into being in the business of helping bring items and people together—it's what I enjoy most. Now, years later, my wife and oldest son are helping as the business grows.
The city of Janesville will always be a big part of my life after growing up in the community and graduating from Janesville High School. It's where my wife, Jordan, and I met and we chose to not just continue to live and work, but also raise our family in this community. It's important for us to show our love and support by giving back to the community we grew up in. We are proud diamond sponsors of the Janesville Booster Club. I have also enjoyed being the Assistant High School Baseball Coach since 2018 and a Volunteer Baseball Coach for the 3rd to 6th graders since 2014. Go Wildcats!
In 2016, I purchased the former Janesville Creamery, after it had been closed since 1962. I knew this would be perfect building for our business. With a lot of hard work, we finally finished renovating in 2019, while keeping the original charm of the old creamery. With business growing in 2020, we added a 56x36 addition to the historic building.